Since 2019, Terrace Park has built a relationship with the City of Tampa and several of its elected officials to improve the neighborhood.
In those years, Terrace Park has seen a huge improvement to its park, Takomah Trail. The connection of the trail in Takomah park brought more life to this area that ever before. There has been new interest in Terrace Park from new restaurants and retail to new construction of homes and soon to be storage facility on Busch Blvd.
The update to 46th St. not only addressed some of the concerns in this area, it also improved the visual appearance. Such as the widening of the sidewalks on 46th St. and extending it to both sides of the street made this section of Terrace Park safe and welcoming to walkers, runners, and bikers. The newly installed micro-round about, the first in the city of Tampa. Its design was placed to help those traveling in this area but enforcing the reduction of speeders.
Now, what happens if the neighborhood loses its association?
Take it from the board members, there's power in numbers! The association provides a voice for all residents in Terrace Park. Whether you are a home owner or a renter. Your voice is important to the value and safety of our neighborhood.
With no voice from Terrace Park, it would be difficult to address concerns for:
Speeding & illegal dumping
Updates required to improve the area
Brining attention of the area to our elected officials
A voice against projects that don't fit our neighborhood
Safety concerns
More Police presence
Additionally, with out the presence of the association there will be less:
Activities to unite and bring neighbors together
Community Care Days to focus on the neighborhood
Community value and appearance
A community that cares
In order to remain in operation, the board must consist of three members. If the association is unable to fill these roles, per our adopted by-laws, the association must dissolve and appropriate its monies to the local neighborhood organization elected.
Support the association and lets keep our neighborhood, neighborly!