Questions received by the neighborhood were submitted to Brannon who will work directly with the departments for a response.
There was a request to get on Luis' calendar to attend a TPNA meeting.
- Fire Station 25 in Sulphur Springs offsetting traffic to station 13 near Terrace Park.
-Viera has a Public Safety Master Plan
-Possible talks about another station on Fowler Ave.
TPD Dan College, Lt and Shift Commander Srgt Burkett
-speeders: Takomah Trail, 97th, Temple Heights - need to isolate time and speed;
will have officer take a look.
-Change over time of year is first week of February where pd officers can change shifts, coverage areas - allows them to identify and conduct new initiatives.
- stop signs not being obeyed: Linebaugh and Takomah, Temple Heights and Takomah
Suggestion to update comments on next door and on Facebook page that new stop signs have been put in place to inform neighbors
- Motor unit only has 15 officers: always tasked with escorts, less ability to work on individual projects
- Tampa currently sponsors almost 2200 events vs 300 years ago which requires officers
- What's a big thing we as citizens can help with? Answer: Be eyes and ears and report it; Big ask: Leave name and number gives a little more muscle to complaints than anonymous reports
- About 1000 officers per 400,000+ population of citizens in Tampa
- City of Tampa website tool - can give you a block area of where an officer is parked and why; will also give info on what has occurred historically - traffic stops, crimes, etc.
- McKinley and Bougainvillea lighting and speeding
DUI squad is 12 officers, 6 working a day
- Per Luis: Wednesday night 2/15 Mobility Town Hall for Forest Hills at Babe Zaharias, 5:30pm
- Motion for update on Bouganvillea mobility, citizen Tatiana asked to come out and address issues in the area; Luis agreed to do this in about 6 weeks
Updates from Luis
- having city council look at city elections in even year election numbers; need to increase turnout
- Charter amendments: 4 total over rode by city council after the mayor veto
- 1. term limits: 2 terms city wide, 2 terms district
- 2. standing boards: give city council more say
- 3. Appointments: If temp appointment, not confirmed, they must be cot employee. Have to put forth to city council
- 4. Charter Review commission meets every 10 years currently: change to 8 years
3 citywide races: Joe citro, Sonya Brookings, chase Harrison, Guido maniscalco, Robin Lockett, Mike duerco, Lynn hertak, Jose Vasquez, george dehunten
30th improvements/University area - Luis looking to get an update
Additional Community Questions pending response:
llegal dumping continues to plague 50th and Temple Heights area. Why can’t there be more of a focus to improve the area to possibly impede dumpers from dumping?
Littering has become a higher than usual issue along Takomah Trail. The entire road can be found with litter from Busch to the park. TPNA has submitted emails requesting for trash cans and dog stations to help curb this issue. What can we do to fight back on the littering aside from TPNAs efforts?
Code enforcement has been somewhat less existent in the area. Can we have info on what’s going on and what we can do to help improve the areas look?
If you have any questions please contact Luis Office or TPNA.