We apologize for the inconvenience. Our last blog post regarding 1st Meeting Agenda experienced some technical issues.
Thank you all who attended the meeting at Greco park complex.
Below, you can catch up on meeting agenda items that were discussed. More details to come on certain items below. Please review upcoming newsletter for specifics.
For more information, please contact the association.
January Agenda
New Year Message!
Review of 2022!
What we are planning for 2023 - Overview of Quarter calendar events & meetings.
Look out for communication on SWEEP - pick up by March.
Members event next month - details pending - members only!
Can go online for old and current information about our neighborhood.
February 13th meeting here at Greco w/ Luis V. And other possible guests
Last year serving as President of TPNA - the search is on!
VP-not present
$972 raised and undisclosed amount in donations of services.
Continue to contact Brenda for donation and membership.
Guest Speaker: Janet from MOSi - no show
Notes from residents:
Concerns to review on intersection of Poinsettia and Ojus.
Request for info shared regarding 2023 candidates for City of Tampa
Invite Solid Waste to next meeting
Review for Speed Sign on Poinsettia heading West bound
Resident to suggest petitions for name and contact to submit Code inquiries - start with City Council?!
review City of Tampa Dog-Poop Ordinance signs - does the city still provides these signs. Note: Its hard to cite violators if not caught in the act and in the moment.