Thank you for coming out and supporting TPNA. And if you were not able to attend, no worries!
Meeting Details:
September 19th
Takomah Trail Park
18 attendees
Community Discussion: Side Walk
- Please participate in new community discussion regarding Sidewalks.
- add photo section will be added to community discussion
Promote Home & Yard of the Year! Program. Seeking Nominees.
- Voting begins Saturday please vote
City adding additional 4-way and multi stop signs
Vote for interest on new clubs:
Book club
Garden club
Cooking club
Meeting at Greco Park next month October
- Assoc plans to make it a special last meeting.
- not ADA accessible, on 2nd floor
- Has AC, restrooms, lighting, possible site of family event on baseball
Promote November 5th-Takomah Fest-A picnic style event.
Teco raising hikes 13% to start January- please write your elected officials to push reform.
New TPNA business number 813-776-4853
Association moving to quarterly meetings January, April, July, October. Please follow our website for dates.
Go on our website and follow us. If you are not on social media. We are updating our site and sharing info.
PLEASE Contact TPNA for any concerns or questions.
Notes from Meeting guests:
Lake side grass cutting thrown into lake
Fowler sidewalk - cannot walk by. Between 46th and 50th
Whiteway east of 48th - review impassable
50th sidewalk ditch needed attn -filled with litter
Storm drainage needs attn around TP
Round about on 46th St. drawing concerns. Signs are being knocked down. It is not visible. Semis has been seen driving through the round about. Street is not set up for Semis. TPNA will contact city to discuss/review. Discuss ideas.
TECO info regarding hiking rates - send info for assistance.
Meeting at Greco Park received very well.